domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

First classes

The first classes was very cool! The students could learn more about Brazil and asked me some doubts! I´m very happy! I think the next classes will be better and better! 

I hope that every student like these classes and enjoy with me this experience!! 

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

03 Preparation to start the classes


This week it will be only to preparation to start the classes. I will show next week some about Brazil culture like sports, behaviors and foods. I’m very excited to start and I think it will be magical. This picture was taken with 603 class on they break time.

segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2012

02 First Impression


All children are too lovely and beautiful!! I´m very happy! I´m being weel received!!

01 First impression

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Since I arrived, everyone received me very weel! All are so lovely! I´m very excited to start the classes and sharing my culture!